10 Strange Phenomena Ever Happened

Here are 10 scary strange phenomenon is happening in the world. Although there are many explanations about the phenomenon - that strange phenomenon, but it still can not answer is clear why it happened. One of the surprising is the occurrence of "blood rain in Kerala, India in September 2001". 

Strangely after investigation, the red rain particles that contain similar to that of the blood. Odd, odd, unusual. How to explain this so that makes sense? What happened to the world? Why are there red berawarna rain, what makes it so? Another case is the true story of a region in Alaska that few residents. Where reported frequent cases of loss of population without a trace. The issue of developing a resident alien abducted.

So, more info on this strange phenomena, follow the little explanation below.

1. Blood rain phenomenon in Kerala, India
blood monsoon

Between July 25 and September 23, 2001, reported that rain has fallen strangely with unusual water color that is red. Strange and terrible incident occurred in the southern Indian state of Kerala. The man was shocked and scared because it was raining like the shed blood freely from the sky. Blood rain is occurring sporadic throughout the region and scientists rushed to the scene to analyze its composition. 
After the rain water was investigated, the discovery mengerjutkan in the can. Whereas, microscopic particles present in the water, the same found in human blood cells. That's why rain water change color to resemble the color of blood. 
But this explanation is still a big Question mark, let alone at the same time show a variety of analysis about the strange incident. The more confused when it appears again the theory associated with meteorites and kalelawar. This theory states, that the meteorite, which has plagued the atmosphere shortly before the rainy season began, has collided with a flock of bats and their blood spraying into the atmosphere. 
Perhaps the most ambitious theory is that the scientist Godfrey Louis and Santhosh Kumar of the University Muhatma Gandhi, Karela. They speculated that the contaminating cells originating from outside the earth and that they had been brought to Earth by meteorites, confirming the theory of panspermia. Louis and Kumar said, that the cell has the "unusual nature".
2. Burning Man 
spontaneous human combustion
This phenomenon is very rare and does not make sense, scientific theory can not solve the mystery of why people are suddenly able to burn without being burned. What is the cause, is not known until now. Strangely the only part of it on fire while the legs do not. That is why in many cases this bizarre, the victim who died was found still wearing sandals.
3. Strange light phenomena
Rattling file cabinets, gas pipes exploded and five-star performance from Charlton Heston and Lorne Green was not the only signs that your house has been hit by earthquakes. Testimonies testimonies from survivors of the earthquake have often heard reports of strange flashes of light that shot upward rolling in the area around the epicenter of the quake. This phenomenon last occurred in the region of ancient China as well as in Lincolnshire, England, where people claimed to see strange lights and flying balls of light ball light. 
Scientists have theorized that light is the result of geo-luminescence, a phenomenon where rocks actually produce light when exposed to extreme pressure, and that ease is the result of friction geology.
4. Ball Lightning Ball Lightning 
ball lightning
The phenomenon of odd-shaped circle of power is usually the case during the storm and lasts up to thirty seconds. Strange and terrible. Sometimes grabbing, hiss hiss of vines on the wall of the building, pulled out sounds terrible. In the past, people often link this phenomenon with the presence of aliens or ghosts. Banya people have made statements about the phenomenon of ball lightning-shaped, including Benjamin Franklin, but so far no adequate explanation of the phenomenon. 
But with advances in technology, the photo technology is also a video, made scientists seriously concerned about this phenomenon of lightning round. They also tried to find an explanation of this phenomenon. 
5. Saint Elmo's Fire 
saint elmos fire
Saint Elmo's Fire is described by scientists as a plasma phenomenon. St. Elmo is a fire caused by ionization in the atmosphere. The name is Saint Elmo's lightning-ie, the patron saint of sailors, because initially the phenomenon that appears above the ship deck, especially during storms. The color, blue, green.
6. The vacuum phenomenon Creatures Animal Blood
the goat suckers
This story appeared because of the hundreds of animals found dead in a disjointed state (mutilation) in South America. Then came allegations that still are rumors that the cause is a strange creature called the Chupacabras. In the last decade, these cases appear again, including in Brazil where hundreds of cattle are found mutilated. A unique and scary, at which have mutilated cattle were discovered only a little blood. It seems most of these cattle blood has been sucked by strange creatures. Much like Dracula. Other signs, is the jaw, tongue and anus are missing. These signs together with cattle mutilation case in America. 
The myth of blood-sucking creatures first appeared in Puerto Rico in the 1970s. When it was reported many dead goats and sheep with the blood sucked out. Indeed in the early emergence of this case, the target creature is a goat and sheep. But in the next two decades, new cases appeared in Mexico, where the attack is not just goat and sheep, but also other animals. 
There are a number of theories that explain the emergence of this horrible creature in South America. The most logical explanation is that they are native species and that Amazon deforestation has forced them to leave the rain forest for the first time in search of food. But there are also other stories that developed and was also believed some people, the creatures came from outside the Earth due to the fact that most often attacks the goat appeared to coincide with sightings preached. 
Various kinds of explanations about the blood-sucking creatures that are still a source of debate. Many said that the predator might be also the mutilated cattle mutilations or there is also a suspect was the result of secret government experiment. Until now this problem of predatory creatures still be a sign of Tanya and mystery.
7. By Alien Abduction
UFO sightings so varied, with descriptions of the most opposed to human logic.Amazing story, the kidnapping of foreign individuals. It appears here shows that more active imaginative work here. The stories that the kidnapping of the man-woman for the proliferation of alien creatures, or so many people who claim to have been abducted by aliens and alien fetus dijanin has been embedded. 
Established theory that can explain it is the presence of strong electromagnetic fields, may occur naturally, can cause a person to feel attacked simultaneously in nearby existing electrical equipment disturbed by the magnetic field so that the electrical equipment (such as a car radio) do not work. People then saw flashes of light before fainting. Built from experiences like that, the word "aliens", would be the first on your lips. 
8. The Taos Hum, buzz Weird Mysteries 
the taos hum
Residents in the town of Taos, New Mexico, have long been puzzled by the strange phenomenon that occurs in the region namely, the emergence of the buzzing sound that seemed to come from far away, sounds like a diesel engine that burns. But the sound source not found it until now. 

This sounds strangely not all could hear, just never heard about half of the population.Those who have heard ever visited the scientists to ask for an explanation of this phenomenon. Research carried out has failed. Even the sound detection by using sophisticated audio equipment was not successful. Case in Taos is almost similar to Hawaii. About Hum in Hawaii, people speculated that shows the activity of volcanoes in the area.

9. Foo Fighters are Mysterious 
foo fighters
Before the phenomenon of flying saucer craze in the 1950s, another strange phenomenon that became the subject of great debate for the U.S. air force pilots in World War II is a strange ball of light flying over German airspace and the Pacific Ocean at high speed, causing frustration for both Allied and Axis pilots. Both believe that the "ball of fire" that is the kind of enemy aircraft experiment (foo fighter). 

United States Air Force became increasingly concerned at how easily the foo fighters could outmaneuver their own aircraft. Although never involved in combat with the foo fighters, seen as a nuisance to the way they are 'dancing' around and fly in close formation with the U.S. plane. 

Many pilots feel that foo figaahter tease them a certain way. Foo fighters name comes from the belief that Japan was responsible for this high speed mocking, although sightings continued after the conflict ended. Cylindrical and disc shaped craft Also reported were the resource persons in the sama over Europe. Cylindrical discs were also reported in the skies over Europe.

10. Passing the Time Travel

the time travellers
Ancient artifacts from 10,000 BC have been found which showed pictures of foreign men who wear such clothes space. The creature was strange in the artifact was wearing transparent clothing with similar equipment helmet on his head. Is that a gun or similar tool. 

Whoever the people depicted in these artifacts, is or will be, they seem to have been drawn by human beings since ancient times human beings who lived during that period. Appears also paintings cave paintings, Egyptian hieroglyphs. Even more astonishing presence of ancient artifacts from Egypt that a portrait of a flying saucer, airplane and helicopter. This led archaeologists puzzled. Is this prophecy, that someday we will be dealing with extraterrestrial aliens (non-human) or one day we will expand our capabilities so that it can travel through time?


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