China tells G7 to stop making irresponsible remarks

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs today responded to statement released by leaders of seven major advanced economies known as G7. G7 leaders said in their declaration that they “strongly oppose the use of intimidation, coercion or force, as well as any unilateral actions that seek to change the status quo, such as large scale land reclamation.”


G7 is composed of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

“What the G7 does and says are way out of step with the facts and the internationally recognized principles. China strongly urges the G7 to respect the facts, shed prejudices, stop making irresponsible remarks, and do more to help properly handle and settle the disputes and promote regional peace and stability,” Foreign Affairs Ministry of China said.

The Chinese government added that they do not recognize the status quo in Senkaku Islands and Spratly Islands “that were illegally snatched and occupied by other countries.”

“As a sovereign state, China will make necessary response to any attempt to undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” China added.

The spokesman at the said ministry added that China will be the first to stand up against anyone who deliberately stirs up troubles that pose a threat to the freedom of navigation and overflight in relevant waters.


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