Beat the heat: Four ways to stay cool this summer

The heat in Dubai can seriously drain you, but there are ways to keep cool, and we’re not talking about your temper.

If you are feeling unmotivated, your colleagues (or your employees) are certainly sharing the sentiment but that doesn’t mean there is no way to lift all of your spirits. Xerox’s Dan Smith, head of integrated marketing for the Mea region, shares a few tips.  

1. Stay cool: We do not think there is a single person in the city who enjoys entering a hot car and driving to the office, but you can’t change the weather. Smith explains a simple, yet effective, way to cool your team down. He says: “A Cornell University study linked uncomfortable office temperatures to an increase in errors.  Offering a cool treat, such as iced coffee, after a sweaty commute could return employees to a more comfortable (and productive) state quickly. Buy an iced coffee kit , splurge for a jug of cold brew at the grocery store or simply put a pitcher of hot coffee in the office fridge. To go above and beyond, toss some popsicles in the office freezer.”

2. A little healthy competition can’t hurt: There is no better way to increase office productivity levels than with a little friendly rivalry. Create an office competition and actively participate in it. Not only will you have extra motivation, but so will those in your surroundings. If you manage to get your bosses in on it too, ask them to offer an incentive. Smith says: “Instead of a summer slump, your staff will be energised — and who knows, the outside-the-box thinking could also result in innovation for your company.”

3. The way to the heart is through the belly: “Healthy employees are less likely to miss work and helping incorporate balanced food choices in the office can have positive effects on productivity. Set a small budget to treat your staff to snacks one day a week. It doesn’t have to be fancy— a simple afternoon pick-me-up of pita and hummus or popcorn can boost morale and be a pick-up for the second half of the day,” says Smith.

We know we never complain when there is food close by!

 4. Stay social: While we all love our co-workers, seeing them all day, everyday can be a little tiresome – especially when all we do is discuss work. By organising an after-hours social get-together, you and your employees have a chance to mingle outside of the office. Smith adds: “A fun gathering with office employees will create a positive vibe and the interaction away from work will allow for team bonding and, therefore, ensure a healthy and productive working environment.”

Every office has a different environment and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution; however, any initiative from your end will not only show how much of a team player you really are, but will also raise spirits around the workplace – it’s a win-win situation.


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