She Drank Carrot Juice - Discover The Reality

Ann Cameron is the writer of numerous books for kids, however in this story she is the key character. After diagnosing colon cancer she was even more popular.


In June 2012 when cancer entered in third phase she was operated. This wasn’t her first meeting with the unwanted disease. In 2005 her spouse died from lung cancer, even after he had chemotherapy.
Ann refused to go the same way like her husband and didn’t have chemotherapy.
Her story was written on the Chris beats cancer blog; where individuals give alternative steps for healing cancer.
“I was exposed to operation for colon cancer in June 2012, and then I denied chemotherapy healing. I was feeling well, however after six months the cancer was spread to the lungs, and entered the fourth phase” – she said.
Ann said that she spend her time on investigating through and found the story of Ralph Core who was 26 years old and had skin cancer. He wrote a story about healing his cancer with consuming 2.5 kilograms of carrots juice daily.

She started to drink carrot juice every day with same daily doses.
After eight weeks she claims that medical studies show that cancer has stopped spreading, the tumors and lymph glands began to decrease.
Following four months tissues were back to regular and the tumor has kept on withdrawing.
Following eight months, registered tomography examination demonstrated that the cancer was gone.
The mystery, clearly, is that carrot juice is rich with natural pesticide anticancer properties and greasy alcohol, and carotene from carrots prevents making the tumor cells.
After she cure cancer, Ann Cameron wrote a book Curing cancer with carrots, that you can buy on Amazon.



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