Chocolate Payasam

Milk, rice and condensed milk cooked together with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg and finally addition of cocoa powder and semisweet chocolate  makes it a chocolaty charm. Strawberries are also added to this delicious pudding to push it to a top notch dessert. Everybody or may be almost everybody loves chocolate and strawberry together. It's a made in heaven combo for love. So combining chocolate rice pudding with sliced strawberries is a perfect way to make any ordinary day into a super special one.

Chocolate rice pudding / chocolate kheer recipe
I made this chocolate rice pudding for my sweet husband on valentine day and probably I was more happy and excited than him, as both of us love chocolate especially dark chocolate. In my opinion, no food can express love more than chocolate and strawberries. For a long time chocolate symbolizes love and for a really good reason. Dark chocolates are considered to release a chemical compound in your brain which are responsible for making you a happy person. The only problem with this pudding you can face is stopping yourself from finishing off the whole bowl. 
If you are a dark chocolate lover, this chocolate rice pudding is one of the best desserts which can surely satisfy your cravings. But if you are not a big fan of dark chocolate flavor, tone down the amount of cocoa powder. 
Chocolate rice pudding is pretty easy to make. All it needs is a few ingredients which are commonly available in any supermarket, but the special secret ingredient which makes this chocolate rice pudding from delicious to divine is love. 

Total time: 
Yield :- 4 servings
Ingredients of chocolate rice pudding :-

  • 1 cup of cooked rice
  • 3 cups of whole or full fat milk
  • 1/4 cup of cocoa powder, sifted
  • 20 g of semi sweet chocolate (about 2 large squares)
  • 3/4 cup of of sweetened condensed milk
  • generous pinch of both cinnamon and nutmeg powder
  • 12-15 strawberries, sliced

Method for chocolate rice pudding :-

  1. In a pan, combine milk, cooked rice and let it comes to boil over medium heat.
  2. Now simmer it and let it cook until the liquid is reduced to its half.
  3. Then add condensed milk and cook again until the mixture is thick.
  4. Now add cinnamon, nutmeg and cocoa powder and mix well.
  5. Turn off the heat and add semi sweet chocolate. Check for the sugar and add more if you like.
  6. Let the chocolate rice pudding cools down. 
  7. Then in a serving bowl add half of the chocolate rice pudding followed by half of the sliced strawberries and repeat this again with rest of the chocolate rice pudding and strawberries.
  8. Then refrigerate it and chocolate rice pudding or chocolate kheer is ready to serve.

Heath check :-  Now a days dark chocolates are very popular among health conscious people as it is labeled under good food. It is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. Antioxidants are considered to slow down the ageing process, as it helps to free your body from free radicals.  It is also a good of potassium, iron, copper and magnesium. 
According to chocolates are also helpful to make you in a happy mood, as it produces the same chemicals (phenylethylamine) which your brain creates when you feels that you are falling in love.
But always remember, that whether it is milk or dark chocolate, it is high in fats and sugar. So portion control is very necessary. And always go for less sugar and less processed dark chocolates.


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